Essential oils have become something quite useful in our household. As I am still new to the whole world of essential oils, everyday is a learning day. So far, I've used essential oils to enhance the flavor of my tea, alleviate itchy bug bites, clean my make-up brushes, and in massage. Lately, I've also used it as a decongestant and temporary pain reliever.
My use of essential oils (EO) are pretty simple and have been limited to just one EO at a time. Recently, I tried Volcano Oil® and Volcano Oil® gel from Maui Excellent.™ (Disclosure: Maui Excellent™ sent me these products for review purposes.) Volcano Oil® is a mixture of the following EO: camphor, eucalyptus, peppermint, wintergreen, menthol, spearmint, and tea tree. These are some pretty potent EO as far as odor goes, but they actually blend quite nicely together along with other ingredients.
The Volcano Oil® product line includes
Massage oil
Essential oil bath salts
Last week, I was sick and my entire body ached. I rubbed the gel on my lower back, my hips, and knees right before taking a hot shower as recommended by Maui Excellent™. I know, putting gel on your skin right before a shower seems counterintuitive, but I can tell you that the gel absorbed and worked quickly. It also rinsed easily without the need for soap. Despite how hot the water was, I felt the cooling effect of the Volcano Oil® on the areas where I rubbed it. It was the strangest sensation of hot and cold simultaneously. As far as effectiveness, my pain was indeed temporarily relieved. I also rubbed the gel on my chest as a decongestant. I know that the gel version of Volcano Oil® isn't 100% pure, but, it's a step closer to an all natural decongestant for someone who used Vicks her entire life.
I also used the gel on my right wrist. As a blogger and graduate student, I can sit for hours typing infront of my computer. That behavior (and habit) has certainly taken a toll on my wrist. I applied it liberally from the back of my hand to the middle of my lower arm. I can say that the cooling effect was so strong that I completely forgot about the pain. The cooling effect lasted about an hour and half, though I did start to notice the pain before the cooling effect wore off.
What I like about the Volcano Oil® (oil) is the easy roll-on applicator. I know, it seems silly, but most of the time, I have to drop EO directly from the bottle to whatever I need it on. The roll-on applicator was so convenient and made putting the oil on my temples easy. I've only tried the oil once when I had a headache. Unfortunately, my headache was caused by dehydration. I was so busy running around that I had neglected to drink water for most of the day. So, even after applying the oil, I still had a headache. Of course, once I drank a full glass of water it disappeared. I can't say that I won't ever give Volcano Oil® a chance for my next headache, after all, it wasn't quite a fair trial.
Uses of Volcano Oil®
Acute and chronic pain
Overall, my experience of these products have been positive and I will continue to put them to the test. If using products made of natural ingredients are important to you, Maui Excellent is a brand you might look into.
Maui Excellent™ products are pure and cruelty free
Maui Excellent™ products are made in the US, free of artificial ingredients, alcohol or chemical fillers, perfumes, or mineral oil. Ingredients used are all-natural essential oils and are non-GMO. Products are never tested on animals.
You can connect with Maui Excellent™ on Facebook. Products are available online on the company website.
Giveaway time
One lucky Just Another Hat reader will win a 2 ounce jar of Volcano Oil® gel and 0.33 fluid ounce bottle of Volcano Oil®. This giveaway is open until May 30, 2013 at 11:59 PM, PST to US residents 18 years and older. Sponsor is responsible for prize award. For complete rules on giveaways hosted on this blog, visit Giveaway Rules & Policy.
Good luck!
Disclosure: Sponsored post. All opinions expressed are my own. Visit my PR/Disclosure page for my full disclosure.