Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Trading Cradles Feature & Giveaway


Charlie McCreless, Aaron and Sophia Rose, Jason Tenenbown


Website that facilitates a forum for parents to sell or give away used children's clothing, accessories, gears, toys, and media, as well as maternity items. provides an easy, free, and safe service for parents who want to sell or buy stuff. The company's mission is to ensure that every baby gets a safe and happy start.

Free. You do not have to register to post an ad.

Social Networking

How it works
1. Join a local group; there are 55 cities/regions to choose from.
2. Post an ad for item(s) that you want to sell or give away in 1 of 13 categories. 
3. Your ads will be screened prior to posting by a Parental Team to ensure quality content.
4. To purchase item(s), communicate directly with the seller/giver.

Extra Feature hosts giveaways on their Blog and Facebook page.

My Thoughts
I recently wrote a post about swap sites and what a great avenue they are for parents to save money. I found during my research. is craigslist meets Twitter, but geared just for parents/caregivers and better. The website was easy to navigate through. The Help/FAQ page was very informative; at the end is an ad form guide which defines each section of the form to assist parents in filling it out. Searching for items was just as easy; simply select a category and type in a keyword. The ability to post an item to your social network via Facebook, Twitter, or plain old email, gives an edge over craigslist. That way, if you find an item that you think someone in your social circle would like, you simply click a button to alert them. The Parental Team monitors all incoming ads and checks for appropriateness of content before they post, allowing for a safe forum for exchange. However, it is essentially the seller/givers responsibility to ensure product safety. In an effort to keep parents informed, there is a link at the bottom of the website to the US Consumer Product Website for recalled products.

Thanks to for sponsoring this giveaway.

Disclaimer: I was not compensated for this post. The opinions expressed in this post are solely mine. I was under no obligation to provide a positive review. I received permission from the sponsor to post their trademarked brand/logo on my blog.